+31 348 - 449 660


“The cooperation with VIAVAC is perfect. Deliveries are always nicely on time, and the details on the invoices are always correct.”

– Jurgen Heyndrickx, project lead Baeck Cladding NV

“Good communication is important to us”

Jürgen Heyndrickx, Project Manager at Baeck Cladding: “Our organization provides industrial roof and wall cladding. Think sandwich panels and Steel deck panels, but also Trespa walls. Our clients are mostly small and medium-sized businesses, but we also take on larger projects. Quality workmanship, fast installation, and good communication are important to us. We always ensure good contact with the main contractor and our people at the job site.

Ease of installation

At a trade fair, we got in touch with VIAVAC’s Belgian branch. In the meantime, it merged with the Dutch organization. What won us over was the ease of installation. We used to lift by hand, but the vacuum lifters make it so much easier. Our first CladBoy is over 10 years old and still in working order. Although it is no longer used as often, because it is much bulkier than the newer models.

We have one CB4 and 3 or 4 CladBoys Compact. These are ideal for wall cladding. As we mainly install Steel deck on the roofs, this is usually done with a lifting clamp. Although, we recently worked on a project in Antwerp where we had to install 20 meter sheets. We used the CB4 for that job. One small disadvantage of the CB4 is that it is not as easy to transport as the CladBoy Compact. Our people can easily transport that one in their van, but for the CB4 you need a trailer.

“VIAVAC is professional and customer-focused”

The collaboration with VIAVAC is perfect. Deliveries are always on time, and the details on the invoices are always correct. For example, if we need to reorder spare rubbers, VIAVAC gets to it straight away.

Recently, we had a big job in Temse. For a large shelving warehouse for pharmaceutical products, three large panels had to be installed at a height of 36 meters. We asked for advice from VIAVAC about the weight and purchased a CladBoy Compact for this type of job. This shows that VIAVAC is professional and customer-focused.”